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Debatia is a global AI-powered debate platform that facilitates real-time debates using both voice and text inputs. One of its standout features is its multilingual support, enabling debates in 12 different languages and fostering global participation without geographical constraints. The platform employs a sophisticated matchmaking system that pairs users based on their debating proficiency and skill levels, determined by an advanced algorithm. Topics on Debatia range widely, covering interests from personal choices to significant policy areas like healthcare, education, privacy, and renewable energy. A key innovation of Debatia is its AI Judging System, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT technology. This system ensures fair and unbiased debate judgments, mitigating potential biases often encountered in human-judged debates. Developed by Toketa Inc., Debatia offers users an interactive and engaging debating experience while delivering impartial results. This version incorporates relevant keywords such as "AI-powered debate platform," "multilingual support," "debating proficiency," "AI Judging System," "ChatGPT technology," and "interactive debating experience," aimed at improving search engine visibility while maintaining clarity and readability.