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Jamix is an AI-powered assistant designed to optimize work processes and bolster data security within organizations. Its primary role is to centralize and search through a company's applications and data files efficiently, promptly responding to queries and validating information sources. By consolidating these functions, Jamix eliminates the need for users to switch between various apps to find relevant information or files required for their tasks. Additionally, Jamix automates repetitive tasks and executes actions across different applications as directed by the user. These actions can range from managing tasks in a project management tool to generating summaries and brainstorming ideas. Its capabilities also extend to content creation, reminiscent of advanced AI systems such as ChatGPT. A core aspect of Jamix's design philosophy is robust data security. The tool ensures data privacy by never using company data to train AI models. All data is encrypted and managed with stringent measures to prevent unauthorized access, with strict controls in place for authorized personnel. The company is actively pursuing SOC 2 Compliance to further fortify its data security protocols. Jamix encourages interactive communication and values user feedback to continuously improve its services. Its mission is to provide a platform that not only enhances work efficiency but also upholds high standards of data privacy and security.